Push Notifications

Push Messaging: After you hit send

Once you have created the push messages and sent them out, it is important to remember that the process doesn’t stop there! There are some key elements you want to track to help you create more effective push notifications in the future.

Here are the key metrics to track:

Watch for the changes in this number. If it goes down, that’s a warning sign. This means you are doing something wrong, which is probably a problem of frequency and relevance. Therefore, you will want to change up the times you send your notifications and create topics for people to opt-in to.
Delivery Rate
The sent and delivered totals should be close to equal. If not, this could be issues with the message length, link or image on the message.
See how many people truly engaged with the message. This is the statistic that will matter the most to you when you are tracking these messages. This allows you to see if you got the right number of clicks to your push message to lead your mobile app to success.
By tracking all three of these key metrics it will show you what you need to improve to engage your audiences. By having strong calls to action, it will truly help all of these three metrics be on track. Messages that are purely information are fine, but it’s hard to tell if you message lands at all. Therefore, overtime you need to look for trends from message to message.
Here’s some questions to consider overtime:

  • Are your messages too long?
  • Are the messages opened at a certain time of the day?
  • Does a shorter message open more rather than a longer one?

These are the kinds of things you want to look at! The object is to continually improve your messages to improve your results! And remember it does take time to nail this down!
Check out our webinar on Push Messaging 101 and contact Sari Zalesin to learn more about our push messaging solution!