jācapps recently headed out to the Podcast Movement event held in Anaheim, CA to join the 2,000 professional and aspiring podcasters interested in the flourishing world of podcasting. The focus of discussion revolved around the evolving landscape of audio content and included discussions of technology, content and monetization. Attendees were hopeful and excited about the future of audio. This included radio pros exploring the opportunities presented by this up-and-coming medium to podcasters eager to turn their enthusiasm into unique content. The event was infused with tremendous energy and the revolutionary spirit of people working to transform the world of audio content.
jācapps co-founder, Fred Jacobs, reported directly from Podcast Movement on his JacoBlog. Check out “Ten Takeaways from Podcast Movement” by KSWD Program Director Dave Beasing, and also Seth Resler’s “The Hidden Rock Stars of the Podcasting Movement.”
jācapps can get your podcast, or your station’s podcasts into the palm of your audience’s hands. Click here to reach out to us today. You can also give us a call at 248-353-9030 or email sales@jacapps.com to learn how mobilizing your podcast can build your brand.
Key Takeaways From Podcast Movement
We recently joined our sister company, Jacobs Media, at the Podcast Movement event to meet with others interested in the flourishing world of podcasting.